Flypiedrahita uses live tracking. Each client is given a tracker which sends it's position via the GSM 'phone network to the Livetrack24 website every 5 seconds. Steve carries a tracker, another is installed in the bus.
Using this system Steve and the retrieve driver are able to see the location, speed and height of all pilots at all times during the flight.
In addition to the important safety aspect and the ease of retrieving pilots, this system enables the flying activities to be followed on this page each day. You can also see action in more detail 3D on the Livetrack24 website page or on pages designed for smart phones.
You can follow the flying in 2 or 3D on the Livetrack24 site
Click on one of the images on the right to go to the Livetrack24 website and the flypiedrahita group page.
You can follow the flight of one or more pilots using the controls in the right sidebar.
Click on a pilot's name to zoom in to his/her location.
You can look at tracks from previous flights on this page.
Designed to run on a smart phone while you are flying, the 'Fly App' displays the status of the rest of the pilots in the group. Showing distance and direction relative to north, heights above sea level and the ground.
Use the QR code, or these links on your smartphone: this is easier to enter by hand:
or click/tap: to be used when you are on the ground, the 'Land App' displays the status of the rest of the pilots in the group in more detail than the fly app. It also displays the trackers on a map; note that if you use the map option, it is uses a lot of data.
Use the QR code, or these links on your smartphone: this is easier to enter by hand:, or click/tap
New for 2022 we have an Android app you can install on your mobile.
Use this QR code or one of the links below to install.
This link is easier to enter by hand:
Detailed instructions on how to install the app here.
Join our Telegram chat group, flypieXC.
Use this QR code or one of the links below.
This link is easier to enter by hand:
If you don't already have Telegram installed, you will be shown a link to the installation procedure.